CloggyUk JYang365 Hiya. I don’t think you can, as just the coastline is defined. I have never tried it, as I never have it on. Next time I run LC I’ll have a look. Cheers, C
Martin Pretty sure you cannot. What helped me was to give the coastline a unique color (in the preferences menue). that helped my imagination some to have the coastlines stick out from the surrounding markings on the screen.
Martin Not being british but having a general understanding of where airports, cities etc are depending on the sector it helps me to get my bearings. This geo-reference also helps with immersion as far as I am concerned. Martin
Khalifa You certainly can by changing the detailed coastline.ini to FILL instead of SOLID. It will FILL as long as the coordinates are close looped. Once that’s done, have a play around with the colors in preference to suit your needs. Please see the screen shot below of a sector I’ve adapted.
JYang365 Khalifa Trying to change this to FILL on both Detailed Coast and Coast in the EGPX sector file. No luck. Any ideas? Thanks, John